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Né àNigeria
25 years
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Les Mémoires
Kemi.twas in January 02, Busola and I went to Ibadan to look for you,met the twins and your Grandma.life is funny,so many things crop up...i try my best.Miss you my friend.rest in peace.
Darling, life has not been the same without you... the laughter...... the jokes.....the mischieves..... the pranks.....the yabs..... life is just so meaningless and so empty. Kemi if only I could be given that chance to turn back the hands of time..... Oh God! How I miss you. Sleep on dear sister. Love you so much and Kemi, thank you!

Kemi hun, something very special has happened to me and I remember how you said to me on your first day that God answers prayers. He has answered my prayer my friend. Wish you were here to share my joy. I miss you so much. xxx

Seun Morafa

Olukemi, I remember how you'd tell me not to call u that as only your mum did....

It's taken me well over a year for me to open this page and not cry my eyes out; I actually have the courage to write.

 I'm a better man today because you passed through my life, you taught me never to limit myself and you believed totally in me.


I remember the first day we met; at the suya joint on Itamerin, you were wearing that beautiful wine gown, and I knew there was something special about you. Tunde introduced us and I’ll be eternally grateful for that.


You had the perfect blend of being vivacious, funny, and focused at the same time if I had known that day I called just 3 days b4 the incident would be my last, I wouldn't have dropped the phone. I'd have spoken to you for days just for the privilege to always be your friend.


I remember how you'd tell me that your family called me Morafe and the first time you took me to Iya Ope when I came to visit.

I will write more often now that I’ve gotten over my grief, the whole world needs to know what a wonderful human being it is missing.


Kemi love, you crossed my mind today as always. The pain hasnt stopped, its just easier to live with now. Rest well my friend. Miss u much. xx
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