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Né àNigeria
25 years
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Les Mémoires
Ajibola Akinola
Oluwakemi Alaba Folaranmi..............you are indeed a rare gem. I will never forget the good and innocent times we had together growing up but I thank God for the times we shared and for your presence in my life. It was short but I still thank God for I'll always cherish the memories. I will continue to pray for your family at this difficult time. rest in peace my friend.
Funmi Folaranmi
Kemi, it is  so hard..... I know you  are not happy I am still crying but the pain is just as real as it was yesterday. I remember all the past christmases and I can't help the tears. My dearest sister, I miss you so much...... It's christmas today and you are not here, remember it's daddy's birthday too.... He can't help the tears cos you are not there. I know you are in a better place. Keep resting dearest. Love you to bits.
Nnamdi Anionwu
u called me Aje okuta ma mumi. Alaba u were strong,beautiful kind and stubborn(smiles).u were a friend
kayode Sotannde

I really dont knw u or ur family but i couldnt hold back the tears when i read your mum's farewell and i could understand how much pain she feels. The Lord almighty will uphold ur family and they will be able to go tru this sad time,however we all will sleep 1 day and would not wake up but my ultimate prayer is that we will not miss heaven in Jesus name. Sleep well..

Oluwakemi Adeola Alaba Apeke omo Folaranmi  I thank the Almighty God  who made you to come through our family. I miss you darling daughter but I take solace in God our creator who called you to Himself.You were such a charmming, loving, caring,determined and God fearing girl, God knows why he allowed you to go at this time. I know I will come out of the trauma of your death by the grace of God.I believe we shall meet again at Jesus feet where we shall part no more. Kemi it is well with my soul . Rest in the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ . Goodnight darling  .  mom
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