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Born in Nigeria
25 years
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Kemolala, Buroo, Bruda, Mamat, Ayuku,Ayaya,

It is still so hard for me to believe you are gone. It is a bad dream I have being praying I wake up from but it seem to be ongoing. You are one of the best things to happen to me and there can never ever be another you in my life. I remember watching you grow up from that baby that ate chicken feed, roll down the stairs and cry every night to the beautiful angel you became. I also remember  all those nights we stayed up gisting, all those times when we quarrelled, all the fun and excitements we shared, all those times when we locked Popsie up in our room and struggled with his purse to get his money, all those names you gave me, all my birthdays you made so special. I remember my 21st when you, mum and dad brought that cake for me in school. You organised everything, just to make me happy and special. All those times when you sent messages to me, all those times when I was lonely and you kept calling to encourage me, even when I was broke some months ago, you still sent me money. I remember the e-mail I sent to you some months ago, I didn’t know that was going to be the last letter I will write to you. I remember speaking to you the Monday before the Thursday you left this world. I remember you telling me you miss me and you love me. Kemi the vacuum and emptiness you have left in my heart can only be filled by God. I really love you but I know God loves you more and  I take consolation in the thought that you are resting in His bosom. Till we meet at Jesus's feet……


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