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Né àNigeria
25 years
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Les Mémoires
Funmi Continue to Rest in Eternal Peace May 1, 2012
Four long years without you darling sister. I remember today with a smile on my lips, tears in my eyes and a pain in my heart. Oluwakemi, only God knows how much I miss and love you and only Him can fill the vaccum you left in my life. I remember all the plans we had for the future.......... Kemi the future is here and I'm left to live it without you........ how cruel can life be.......  Kemi I know God loves you more and you are resting in His bosom. Darling sister, until we meet on the resurrection morning, sleep on!
Miss you babe. x
Oluwakemi, it another years and three long years without you. I remember all those wonderful times we shared together and it brought smiles to my lips and tears to my eyes. I love you dear sister and words cannot describe how much I miss you. I take consolation in the thought that you are resting in our Lord Jesus Christ and smiling down at us. We all miss you darling. Continue to rest in peace my beautiful, loving and caring sister!
Oluwakemi, it hurts so much to think that this time 2 years ago you woke up with plans of what to do for the day but alas! Well....... baby sister I try to move on from the hurt and the pain of not having you physically in my life.  Only God knows why this happened. Just wanted to tell you again that I love you so much and miss you greatly. If I had to choose a sister, I will choose you again and again. I can only thank God for the exemplary life you live and God will continue to grant you eternal rest. Abu mi till we meet again at the feet of our Lord continue to live in our hearts. Miss you baby sister.
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